
Ultranos Dreamer

Ultranos Dreamer screenshot

Ultranos Dreamer screenshot

an old DAW (or music making program) developed by Iliyan Dinev from ca 2000 to ca 2004.

It was found in 2020 by (instagram user) fleamarketaudiostuff and placed on his webpage.

It's clone of Reason with a twist that it can load VST plugins. It's pretty decent software for unfinished product albeit it's little bit and inconsistent.

See this video for more backstory and how to use it.




Dreamer simulates rack-based music making studio. It has it's own original names for available devices so there is a little overview:

Akemi Digital Sampler is as name suggest digital sampler. While it sounds OK, constructing patches is somewhat tricky. Workhorse of song mode.

CR1 Drum machine is very simple yet very usable drum machine.

Musashi is TB-303-ish monophonic synth. Sounds great when tweaking cutoff frequency.

PsyFi PCF Filter is probably some step-sequenced filter. It's not finished and didn't work at all.

Sequencer 1 is sequencer used for song mode. It can import songs from MIDI files and automatically route MIDI connection to Akemis.

DDL 1 Delay is simple yet useful delay.

Di1 Distrortion distortion effect - not very useful or at least I didn't find its sweet spots.

FR Flanger is flanger. Probably usable one.

M1X3R Mixer cool looking mixers. It can be handy as it's easy to have clipping in Dreamer songs.

RV1 Reverb - unfortunately does not work (cannot be plugged in). Use included Freeverb2 VST instead.

VeloSiTy VST Host is VST host capable of hosting 32bit VST 1.0 - 2.3 plugins. See this thread to find out which VSTs work. According to eLawnMust it does not likes Synthedit plugins.

other usage notes